Saturday, October 24, 2009

Much Ado About Doodles

"What are you doing in there?" My buddy Wendy queried through the door of the bathroom stall. I sat mesmerized by the fanciful doodling artfully created on the inside of the metal door.

“Fascinating,” I whispered to myself as I said to my friend, “I’ll only be a minute longer.

I heard her huff in exasperation. She had become accustomed to my enthrallment with bathroom doodles, and had little patience left with me.

What I saw in front of me was an enormous spider web drawn with a heavy-handed black marker pen, spreading across the door from top to bottom and extending past the door on both sides. A chubby whimsical spider stared back at me with sad dark eyes, her desperation evident. Facing the center of the web, from left to right, her destination was obvious.

What did this doodle say to the graphologist in me from the person who had created it so masterfully?

This person felt trapped- not in the bathroom stall, but in her life. Facing inward to the right and toward the center of the web, the doodler had little hope of escape in the near future. She was actually being drawn deeper, and deeper into the depths of the web. She felt that the trap was of her own making and yet, she did not have the power to exit if she wished. The spider- representing the doodler herself, expressed unhappiness, worry and despondency in her shadowy eyes.

The spread of the web from top to bottom and extending out past the door on both sides indicated the desire to reach out for help to anybody who would listen. This person showed an extreme need for acceptance and an unwillingness to let go of a relationship or situation that probably wasn’t working. The heavy-handedness of the drawing showed an aggressive determination to express her feelings.

A doodle can be read like a handwriting sample. The position on the page (or, as in this case- on the door), size, direction, pressure and symbolism are all important to the analysis. Of course, symbols may mean different things to different people, determined by past experiences, moods and situations. The true meaning of a doodle is relative to the situation and the person involved.

As I left the bathroom stall, I felt a sense of foreboding for this sad and desperate woman whom I had connected with for that short moment in time. Being a graphologist helped me to see inside her soul more clearly, but anybody would have felt the despondency and fear in this revealing doodle.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Personality Bone

I am often asked what the connection is between your handwriting and your personality. My answer is this: The hand bone's connected to the wrist bone, the wrist bone's connected to the arm bone, the arm bones connected to the shoulder bone- etc., and all the way to the personality bone, which happens to be in the brain.

Your handwriting can change according to personality trait's, thinking styles, social skills, work habits, stress handling methods and even moods. There has been much research done on this subject, and I won't bore you with the details.

If you are interested in the research that has been done, search the internet and you will find what you're looking for. There are many wonderful sites on graphology and handwriting analysis that will bombard you with the varied and detailed studies that have been done.

Everybody has their own unique style of handwriting, like a fingerprint, and this is legally accepted in any court of law. It isn't easy to manipulate handwriting, and by doing so you might end up with an inaccurate reading. It is always best to just go with the flow, so to speak, if you are getting an analysis done. Neatness doesn't count, so just write like you always do, and you will get an accurate and fascinating reading.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


When considering the many methods of self-improvement technology, Graphology should be placed at the beginning of the list. There's a distinct connection between the sub-conscious mind, and the physical manifestation of a written document.

Handwriting is a true expression of the inner you. Sometimes referred to as brain writing, or mind writing, it reflects your past, your present, and can influence your future. Studies have been conducted that suggest you can consciously change your personality by altering your handwriting. Life experiences etch themselves into our minds, leaving an everlasting impression that influences our lives in elusive ways. Disguising our inner selves is a matter of self-preservation, a protection from the outside world. A freely written handwriting sample is an open book to the inner personality.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Write on

Handwriting reveals a persons true personality, and you don't have to be trained in graphology to see it. Just pay attention to how the written word makes you feel. Handwriting that is blotchy, unbalanced, erratic and irregular will make you feel uneasy. These characteristics can be an indication of an unstable character.

Pleasant, easy flowing, regular and balanced writing indicates the writer will have the same qualities. Handwriting that is overly neat, and obsessively perfect will also make you feel a little off kilter. Pay attention to these feelings, and your own intuition. They are more "write on" than you know.